How to Get a Top Voice Badge on LinkedIn

Ahmad Arif Faizin
4 min readMay 17, 2024

Recently, I found a profile on LinkedIn that has a Top Voice badge, such as in mas Brian Arfi

For the first time, I felt amazed, wow it’s great he became a top voice (although I don’t know what it is :p). But I’m not shocked because he is really active on LinkedIn, almost everyone that interested in product management, career, and leadership knows about him.

And now, after several weeks, I also get that badge. (just realized it has a little bit different badge)

Are you curious about how to get this badge? Let’s check it out~

Actually, I was not searching how to get this badge. But, a few days or weeks after I saw that badge, there was someone who noticed and asked, “How to get that badge”, and actually mas Brian also doesn’t know as mentioned in this post

If we see in that post, he asked the Senior Editor at LinkedIn News, and the answer is there are no certain criteria to get that badge, so it’s an invitation only. As I mentioned before, I’m not shocked because Mas Brian is one of the active people that I follow. He routinely posts on LinkedIn, almost every day. Besides that, he also held LinkedIn Live every week. Not only that but he also actively comments and interacts with others. So, he deserves it.

Aiya, as the benefit of Top Voice, he also got LinkedIn Premium as appreciation. So, it’s a little bit different with the badge that I got, because I don’t get that, wkwk.

Okay, next question, how do I get that Top Voice?. For me, it also starts with an invitation, but in notification. It’s not directly to get Top Voice, but to answer questions.

It says “You’ve been selected to answer: ~~~ “.

Because I’m feeling special selected by LinkedIn. I try to open that notification. And here, the key to getting Top Voice for each skill shown.

So, you only need to contribute by answering 3+ collaborative articles in this link.

After I knew that, I tried to answer each of the questions in 3+ articles that related to that topic. To know the other articles with the same topic, you can check the breadcrumbs of the website.

After I answered 3 articles on the Mobile Application topic and waited for several days. That badge came up! Hurray! Easy, right!

One to note, the concept of this badge is different from the invitation-only top voice badge, this gold badge is called Community Top Voice. So, everyone can get this badge. You just need to follow the above tutorial.

Another fun fact, after I open again my articles that have been contributed, it shows this one.

It means that this badge will remain if you are still in the top 5% of contributors after 60 days and one of the first 2500 badge holders for a particular skill. They determine the top 5% of contributors by looking at a variety of factors, including quality, engagement, and quantity of contributions. Quality contributions contain but are not limited to, personal examples, unique perspectives, and professional opinions.

Next question, can we get badges for multiple skills? Yes, we can. You can explore the other topic and do the same. But only one badge will be shown on your profile; you may choose which badge is displayed if you have multiple. There is no limit to the number of skills for which you can earn a badge.

You can also check the other topic of collaborative article in this link

Okay, I think that’s all about this article, I hope this will be useful for all of you. Thanks!

“What Comes From the Heart, Goes to the Heart”

